Wednesday, January 8, 2014

During December

Madelyn spent her days this December...
 helping take the (dirty) dishes out of the dish washer,
 riding her turtle,
 finding a new seat in the kitchen,
 having her hair stand on its ends,
 snuggling with Elmo,
 enjoying a tea party with her friend,
 making a splash and helping Mama with the dishes,

 playing cowgirl,
 decorating the Christmas tree,
 finding the angel,
 and having a tickling party.
Madelyn now has 8 teeth.  Her words are: Da Da, Ma Ma, Na na, Pa pa, all done, Elmo, turtle, wa wa (water).  She can sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, Jingle Bells, and Row, Row, Row Your Boat. She loves making animal songs: cow, dog, and cat.  Books, songs, flashcards, mealtimes, library visits, bubble baths, and snuggles are her favorite moments of the day.  We love every day we spend with her.

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