Saturday, March 24, 2012

Gender Reveal Party

 We waited to announce our baby's gender to the Fisher family with a party! Louise, my brilliant and creative sister-in-law, threw this cute party! She did an amazing job with the decorations.
 Each guest had to guess a boy or girl and then take a mustache for a boy or lips for a girl.
 The food was perfect---pink and blue cake pops, blueberries and strawberries, and chicken salad sandwiches.

 After so many people predicted it was going to be a boy, we starting thinking that it was.
 But we also knew that all of the other Fisher siblings have had girls first.
 We read aloud the name suggestions given by our guests.
 Then Jill pulled the string for the pinata to reveal what gender.
See the pink candy! Its a girl!
A huge thank you to everyone that help with the party and those that attended!


  1. Wow! That looks like quite the party! Did you and Todd already know what you were having, or did you get surprised yourself??

  2. That is the cutest thing ever! I love the pictures of Team Girl and Team Boy! So glad that you live close to the Fishers-they are taking great care of you guys!

  3. We already knew. I couldn't wait any longer then I had to!
