Friday was river rafting day. After going down the Provo River a few weeks previous, I was converted to rafting. Now after the Green River, I am ready to start planning the next trip! We had three rafts: 1st-Roger, Jill, and a few kids 2nd-Mark, Louise, Me, and kids 3rd-Todd, Chris, Susan, and Carson
Todd's favorite part is what he calls "pirating", he jumps ship, grabs someone from another ship, and pull them in.
This is Todd attacking my raft. He grabs me, I make sure to hand the paddle over, and fall in with him.
It was pretty chilly water, but was fun to get wet!
After a successful attack, Pirate Todd had a huge smile on his face as he returns to his ship.
Chris swims over to "help" Hailey cool off in the river.
Todd takes a video as he jumps in again.
We stopped to patch up a hole and take a swim, well some of us did, others were already wet.
Back on the river again, this time I switch rafts and helped paddle. Upon arrival, we enjoyed a picnic lunch and dried off in the sun.
The Green River provided a nice rafting trip with plenty of scenery as well as fun rapids. When do we go back?