Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lacking Communication

A few days ago, our internet was down. (due to our neighbor changing the password and our internet would not connect for some reason) Todd spent hours trying to figure out the problem. The neighbor would tell us the new password, but was vague on telling us what else they changed.
Then on Wednesday, I tried calling Todd on my cell phone. It would not go through as it said our account needed more money. My first thought was that we just had not paid the bill since we had no internet. The relief society president even came over asking if we had switched phone numbers. (After I told her we had no phone nor internet, the thought came to me that she probably assumed we were too poor to pay the bills)
So for a few days, we had a very limited amount of communication.
However, the true reason why we had no phone service is due to the frustrating customer service of our provider. Previous months, they overcharged us on our automatic billing, so Todd had to call and complain. They said they would start charging us less and mail us a check for the overcharge. This month, they did charge us less, but apparently, not enough to pay the full charge and give us any service. When Todd saw that they charged us, yet we had no service, that made him very upset. After calling three times, spending over 2-3 hours on the phone with customer service (who did not speak English as their first language), we finally have service. After playing with the internet settings, connections etc, for 2-3 hours, we finally have internet.
The whole experience had a huge lack of communication. period.


  1. CATHERINE AND TODD! I found your blog!!! I'm so happy that I can stay up-to-date on your life now :) How are you guys doing?? I wish you lived out our way!! Your wedding photos are BEAUTIFUL!! What a wonderful day!!

    You can check out our blog at
    I think you already have permission to view it--if not, send me an email! :)

  2. You know, I think it might be a blessing to be "less connected". Our entire society has become far too hooked up. Between cell phones and constant internet access and so forth, its hard to find real down time just to read, enjoy nature and get away from it all. As newlyweds, its OK if other people can't constantly be in touch with you. Even once your all rehooked up, don't tell everybody! Love you guys!
