Thursday, December 12, 2013

Play Time at 15 Months

I love how sweet Madelyn is.  She loves to blow kisses, even makes the sound that goes with it.  Plus, she  always makes sure to wave goodbye too.  You can really feel her sincere love.  
 Todd is so good to read with Maddie and teach her.  I am amazed by how much she learns.

 Madelyn shows off her teeth!
 They love to snuggle up, both in their bathrobes, and read.
 Madelyn enjoys escaping while getting dressed for the day to start playing.
 Todd thinks it is funny to watch her sleep right on her face.
Maddie Jane continues her garbage exploring, as she grabbed a banana peel and started eating it. 

Last Few Warm Days

 As we knew winter was approaching soon, we tried to take advantage of every warm day we had.  We love going to the park and swinging.
 During Todd's lunch, we head to the trail to run.   
 We always have to stop and visit the ducks.
 We are blessed to have Todd be able to come home during lunch and go play for a few minutes!
 Madelyn loves walking on the trail and being outside.