Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Locks of Love

One summer many years ago while visiting Utah, I attended a YW activity with my cousin, Amy Todd.  We listened to a guest speaker who was a Locks of Love spokesperson.  She had cancer and was wearing one of the wigs provided by Locks of Love.  I remember how much she appreciated having a wig to wear that she could do anything with.  It made her rough time that much better.


 So donating hair to Locks of Love has been something I have always wanted to do.  I decided to finally do it! Ten inches was required to donate to actually use for a wig, but any length of hair will be accepted.  When I went to get it cut, the lady was great to help.  I was excited to ship my hair off and hopefully the hair goes towards making someone's rough time a little better. 

1 comment:

  1. I remember that activity!! Thanks for the shout out! :) It looks great!
