Wednesday, October 23, 2013

14 Months of Fun

It has been so fun to see what Madelyn likes and learns as she gets older.  I really have enjoyed this stage of her life.  
-It amazes me just how quickly she can learn something.  Also, she is always so happy and smiles.  For example, when I showed her how to knock, she got so excited when she could do it. 
-Maddie is a big eater.  She can sit in her high chair for an hour and be happy just eating her grapes, cheerios, etc.
-This past Sunday, I could tell Madelyn was not quite full after I feed her breakfast.  So I told her that I packed applesauce in the diaper bag, so she could have it when we were at church.  Sure enough, within a few minutes, during the opening song, she starts trying to get into the zipper to open the pocket with the food in it.  I decided to go ahead and just feed her the applesauce just to keep her quiet.  Boy, did she down that cup of applesauce.  The lady giving the opening prayer, did gave a long one, but Madelyn ate the entire cup of applesauce during the opening prayer.  
-Madelyn will eat anything! As long as you are eating it, she wants it.  Which is good in lots of ways, she will eat kale, grapes, tomatoes, and loves Todd's green smoothies!  We haven't given her a lot of diary yet, just trying to hold out a little longer.  Yet, every time Todd eats a yogurt she wants some.  So today, I found Maddie digging into the garbage canning, pulled out the yogurt Todd ate for lunch, and began licking the container.

-The sounds that Madelyn is learning continues to grow.  Recently she has learned "Ni-Ni" and "La-La", along with "Da-Da" and "Na-Na"
-She loves to sing.  Right now, the only tune she knows is the ABC song, but you know when she is truly happy because she just sings away---while playing by herself, in the highchair, car seat, and even in the bath tub.  (I have come to learn that Todd does the same thing---when he is truly happy he sings and whistles.  It is so cute that Madelyn has her Daddy's trait.)
-Madelyn has graduated from crawling and loves to walk.  She does really well and will bring me her shoes and jacket when she wants to go outside.  

-She loves to look at books.  Turning the pages and pointing to the moon, butterflies, and flowers are her favorite parts of books.  Also, she loves toys that makes noise-the doggy that sings, the turtle that she can ride and bounce on, and the globe that spins. 
-Even though Madelyn loves to be with her Mama, she loves to play with her Daddy.  It doesn't matter what Todd does, she wants to be help him.  
-She loves to play in the dirt and pick and eat flowers.

 -I love being able to do pig tails in her hair.  She has a natural little curl on the ends of the hair.  Also, I am enjoying really being able to communicate with her.  She does a good "huh-huh" if its a yes, and the sign language of "more" really well.  She is such a blessing in our lives and we are enjoying being parents so much.

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