Friday, February 1, 2013

During Madelyn's 5th Month

As January has been extra cold this year and sickness has been going around, we have stayed inside most of the month.  Thankfully Maddie got lots of new toys during Christmas time to keep her happy.  She loves the sheep that migrated all the way from England given to her from Grandpa and Grandma Shurtz.

During this month, Maddie Jane has been practicing sitting up.  She has tipped over quite a bit.

But is still so smiley!

Another favorite thing that she loves to do is grab the blanket and try to pull it over her face.  I guess she loves the game Peek-a-boo. 

Daddy will say "Pull-up", and she goes from sitting to standing.  She loves to stand while you hold her hands.

I guess being inside all day with one person somehow creates an attachment, because Madelyn is at the stage that when Todd is holding her and she sees me, she starts to fuss and wants her Mommy.

Laundry day is Madelyn's favorite because while we fold the laundry together, Madelyn loves the games we play.  She tries to grab at the clothes to hold them.  Also, she loves the feeling when the sheets just barely tickle her nose.  She giggles and smiles.  I know I always loved the sheet game growing up too.
 Sometime within the past few weeks, Maddie has found her voice.  She loves to be very vocal and say "Ahhhh" as loud and  as long as she can.  (Many of you have heard it as we have chatted on the phone, it's just Maddie's way of getting into the conversation.) 

 Todd enjoys playing ball with her.  We are grateful to Great Grandma Fuller for giving us this pink princess ball.  I never thought I would see the day that Todd is playing with a pink ball.  
 Some of the nights have been COLD.  The lowest we saw was -1 degree.  We bundled Madelyn up and she wore several layers to bed.  Despite the cold, Maddie has been sleeping great during the night.  We got a Baby Einstein Sea Dream Soother from Grandma and Papa Fisher for Christmas.  It helps her just peacefully fall asleep.  Lately, Madelyn sleeps 9 pm and wakes up around 7:30am. 

 To start training Maddie Jane young, she continues to practice the piano each day.  She gets so excited when we turn a song from the song bank on and she is mesmerized that she is playing so well already.

Lastly, Madelyn continues to love to snuggle.  There is nothing better than to snuggle up on a cold morning with Daddy in the bathrobes under blankets and eat breakfast together.

1 comment:

  1. What a happy baby girl. She's smiling ear to ear in every picture. What a delightful little gal and a happy family!
